Second opinion consultation

At the time of the initial diagnosis of a tumor disease, during therapy planning and the further course of treatment, but especially in the case of non-response to cancer therapy and progression of the disease, the question of alternative options and possibly not yet considered – because not yet known – findings from tumor biology and the resulting treatment options arises again and again.
In fact, the increase in knowledge, particularly in the field of molecular tumor diagnostics and therapy, and the number of highly effective drugs approved almost weekly as a result, is so high that their implementation in routine therapy can be overlooked.
Particularly in the case of advanced disease and limited drug options, it always makes sense to intensively research the entire course of the disease once again for therapy targets that may not yet have been identified and, if necessary, to carry out new biopsies in order to sound out all possibilities for the most targeted treatment possible.
In this context, Onkonetz works intensively with “molecular” tumor boards in order to be able to incorporate all the findings of modern tumor diagnostics into the treatment.

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