In chemotherapy, the active substances used attack rapidly dividing cells in particular.
The active substances used particularly attack rapidly dividing cells.
Frequent cell division and the associated growth are characteristics of tumor cells.
During cell division, the cell is particularly susceptible to attack.
The active substances used in chemotherapy – also known as cytostatics or chemotherapeutics – take advantage of this.
Their points of attack are found on the genetic information, DNA and other structures involved in cell division.
Antibodies are protein molecules.
They are an important part of our body’s own immune system because they have a special property: antibodies are able to recognize certain structures on cell surfaces and bind to them.
For example, they mark viruses that have entered our body.
At the same time, they activate the immune cells that attack the pathogen.
In cancer therapy, special antibodies produced in the laboratory are used, so-called monoclonal antibodies.
These recognize and bind to cancer cells and hinder their metabolism.
Cancer cells have a different metabolism to healthy cells.
They often divide unchecked or die more slowly.
This occurs via various processes.
Kinase inhibitors inhibit these processes by blocking protein kinases (certain enzymes) and thus interfering with the distribution of energy within the cancer cell.
They are therefore also referred to as “kinase inhibitors” or “protein kinase inhibitors”.
Other terms are tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) or small molecule kinase inhibitor (smKI).
The target of kinase inhibitors are characteristics of the cancer cell that distinguish it from most healthy cells.
The effect of kinase inhibitors is therefore concentrated on the tumor.
The range of services offered by the onkozentrum Hamburg – Holstein includes 1. diagnostics and therapy of hematologic and oncologic diseasesOncology:
2. tumor pain therapy
3. basic psychosomatic care
4. socio-medical advice
5. human genetic counseling
Our cooperation partners for inpatient care cover the following areas:
We have cooperation partners for outpatient care in:
The increasing amount of data required to determine targeted and individual therapies for each patient requires the analysis of a large number of molecular tumor characteristics, the significance of which is still unclear in individual cases today, but may be of decisive importance for the treatment of cancer in the near future.
For this reason, all tumor analyses are arranged in our practices with cooperating laboratories at the time of initial diagnosis, enabling modern targeted therapy.
In order to manage the volumes of data generated in this context, the Onkonetz has launched an initiative with the Ilmenau University of Technology, the German Society for Hematology and Oncology and the companies MDI and Nextgen Oncology, which will make the possibilities of AI usable for oncology.
In our practices, together with the clinics of the Asklepios Tumor Center Hamburg and the Institute for Hematopathology Hamburg, individualized or personalized cancer therapy is already being practiced intensively.
The entire spectrum of immunological markers and molecular genetic alterations is analyzed at the time of the initial diagnosis of cancer, so that targeted tumor therapy can be started as an initial therapy if necessary.
Classic chemotherapies are increasingly losing importance in cancer treatment in favor of new molecular and immunological approaches, but are still too often used “up front”.
Regular participation in the organ-specific tumor conferences of the Asklepios Tumor Center Hamburg ensures precise intersectoral cooperation between our practices and the clinics and seamless digital information transfer, which provides our patients with the most up-to-date therapy and guarantees coverage of costs by health insurance companies, even for highly innovative drugs, some of which have not yet been approved in Germany.
onkonetz hamburg-holstein
Schönningstedter Straße
Telephone: 0 40 / 7 80 89 06
Telefax: 0 40 / 78 08 90 85
onkonetz hamburg-holstein
Weidenbaumsweg 19
21029 Hamburg
Telephone: 0 40 / 416 26 50
Telefax: 0 40 / 416 265 21